Grow For Good

Organizations around the world use healthy human hair to make wigs for cancer patients who face hair loss as a result of illness. If you have been blessed with healthy long hair and are willing to brave the shave and cut at least 8 inches off to donate, LOCKrx will reward you for your good deed. Donate your hair, snap a picture of your donation, tag the organization you are donating your hair to and tag @LOCKrx on your image on Facebook or Instagram. 

Wondering Where to Start?

Be sure that you follow the donation guidelines set forth by the organization where you are donating your hair. Each organization sets different parameters. Most organizations ask that your hair be healthy, dry, and free of split ends. The typical donation length is between 8 and 12 inches. While some organizations will accept bleached or overly processed hair, most will not. If your hair is graying, some organizations will accept your donation. It's best to check first before you attempt to grow for good! 

 Get Rewarded for Growing for Good!

As a thank you for your generosity, LOCKrx will gift you $50 toward your next purchase at as part of our Grow for Good Initiative. If you wish for your donation to remain anonymous, you may also message us with your information by emailing: 

Wondering Where to Donate?

We've compiled a list of some of our favorite charities. 

  1. Wigs For Kids
  2. Locks of Love
  3. Matter of Trust
  4. BeYOUtiful Foundation
  5. Children with Hair Loss